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Whatever you would accept in order to allow a person to cash a check would be appropriate, also. You obtain identification that assures that you, as a licensee, have no question as to the identity of the winner. Gambling rules do not specifically address what is acceptable identification however, the type of identification that would be acceptable by the Liquor & Cannabis Board would be acceptable identification for your purposes. What type of identification should I accept to identify the winner? Get a hold of your local law enforcement agency immediately. If a person produces fake identification, he/she may be attempting to defraud you. If the person refuses to do so, you are under no obligation to violate the WAC. WAC rules specify that all winners over $20.00 must provide adequate and true identification. If a player refused to produce proper identification or provides fake identification, do I have to pay the winner? However, you might want to consider public relations and the possibility of physical conflict if a game is pulled while being actively played. Can I pull a game from play if it is being played?

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Some operators use a calculation based on the cost of games plus, a certain profit they hope to make before pulling a game. Each operator is encouraged to determine his or her own formula. There are no rules that require the operator to leave a game in play or when to pull the game from play. Is there a specific time that I must pull games that are in play?

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